
I am Employed

Just a quick update to let y'all know that despite all spelling errors previously contained, I am employed at teh Caucus Academic Center. This is how it went.

Me: I wanna work for you
them: kthx
(a day passes)
me: holy shit u has a real textbooks!
them: yeah we know we're hot shit. look at our real book store!
Me: yaaaay!
Them: teach a class for an hour.
(days pass)
Me: I am hot shit
Them: U R hot shit. work 6 days a week!
Me: Lol, no.
Them: OK 3 days a week for 600 bux a month plus rent!
Me: OK thxbai

So, i sent my resignnation to peihua. no response. I'm a little ball of terror, but at the end of the goddamn day i'm goddamn employed. Its harder work than in china but srsly these guys have for serious textbooks and better students and smaller classes and this school is AWESOME.

Ok for serious i will have pictures.



hillary b said...

thx fer teh lolz. EMPLOYMENT, YOU HAZ IT. congrats!

CRC said...


Doug said...

"I can haz teaching jawb?"

ok, that's too much lolcats for one man for one time.


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