
Blogging for Two

So, i've taken it upon myself to update people on what Lexi's been up to. First and formost, of course, showing me around Tblisi and helping me get feet on ground, and a steady source of income. I feel kind of bad because the poor girl has to basically guide me by the hand like a lot of the time since i speak officially zero georgian, though my grasp on the Russian alphabet is improving. She says her research is going well. Although people are refusing to be recorded during the process. This, she has found, is odd.

The snow melted, then it snowed again, now its icy again. This is a weather situation best described as obnoxious. things were looking real good. Now they are looking real icy again. Still, the temperatures have been climbing. Luckily i have the fortitude of a pacific northwesterner, though that mostly helps with The Damp. this is The Cold - a similar but different problem.

We're about to try and find out if my camera's data card fits into lexi's camera, which would be a way to get its precious datas onto the internet. Then you can see the city i have seen. I know i keep harping on this but i'm pretty sure city 17 is located in the Former Soviet Union (or FSU, for those of us "in the know"). Being out here really makes me nostalgic for Civ 4 and Defcon. Pretty much any game with deathtolls in the millions. I maintain a healthy disinterest in politics for the good of mankind.

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