So, tommorow i wander into my school and sign a contract. This is basically the breakdown:
I get 600 dollars my first month, 800 every subsequent month, for 6 months, +200 for rent. Also, they pay my utilities. In exchange, i work Monday Wednesday Friday (or Tuesday Thursday Saterday but i'd prefer the first) and teach 4 classes. so, 8 hours of work. not too bad.
This leaves me 2 days aside from my weekend scott free. So far i've been looking for some ways to make money on the side.
A) Tutoring students. Lots of people need it, and if i pick up a copy of a TOEFL book and teach from it I can charge extra. Also, apparently british counsils will hook a homeboy up with TOEFL certs pro bono.
B)Tutoring adults. There's a notary out there willing to pay 20 bucks an hour for me to read the economist with him. I'm thinkin if i can have the classes in his office i might be able to work up a stable of these rich cats. There's fewer of 'em, but they pay better.
C) Writing. Georgia Today is thinking about paying me to write. I don't see this turning into any kind of real money, but it'll do the best for my resume and some extra beer money never killed nobody.
What i'm hoping for is a combination of all three. My first day of work is the 18th, so i've got a week to relax before the hammer falls. But hey, the money's good. Now i just need to budget it. Luckily most of my hobbies these days are founded on the basic principle of intellectual property theft, so that leaves a lot in the budget for soviet kitsch.
Or, it could all be an elaborate trap.
It always pays to be prepared.
1 comment:
few pennies a month for Soviet kitsch + buying plane ticket that goes through wherever the fuck I am in Japan in August = VICTORY.
you know it makes sense.
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