
rough patch

More astute readers will be quick to point out that I have not updated either blog for a while. It's been a hell of a week. But, I have come out the other side the stronger for my efforts. Sparing you the ugly details and drama, as of right now i am unemployed with zero job prospects. My employment with both the DoT and CAC went out with a whimper rather than a bang, and i woke up today with 1 month left in Georgia and absolutely no obligations whatsoever.

Today has been a great day, and i briefly forgot what those were like. Woke up, layed in the sun, write a story, listened (like REALLY listened) to Exile on Main Street, had Mac n Cheese, was a good boyfriend, and got back in touch with my friends out here again. And its only 2:30.

Next week Lexi's in DC, as the official Fulbright representative of the entire region, so I'll be on my own to entertain myself. I'm kind of jealous, but it'll be good to have confirmation that america is still there.

Anyways, I've been out of touch, and now I find myself at loose ends. To write a DnD Campaign setting or a story (or both), find the Zoo in Tbilisi, and get my suit finished while wearing my refurbished soviet watch. Oh and apply for gobs and gobs of jobs, as per the norm. Gotta stay in shape, after all.

Anyways, overall things today are pretty :)

D to the izzan

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