
Lawyers, Guns, and Money

Things in Tbilisi are going okay. I'm moving all the money out of my CaC started account just in case they get any funny ideas (and plus i have to do it anyways cuz i don't want open bank accounts here in sunny georgia), running a lot, and writing (also alot). Its easy to get lazy, what with the temperatures being in the low 30's, and i've got to keep drinking water or else i will shrivel up like a prune. I've been wandering around the city a lot, but a lot of time is spent with my head in the clouds. I'm mostly just trying to see things and spend little money until my return, phoenix-like, to america. With politics being what they are, i'm pretty excited to be headed home.

What is it about the knowledge that your house has ants that makes you think that any slight irritation on the skin is one crawling on you? It's developing into a paranoia.

Anyways, I'm trying to enjoy my time here. In fact, i'd go so far as to say i AM enjoying my time here. It's just hard to take things for what they are, and not for what i'm putting behind me in a few weeks.

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