
Nothing all together exciting.

Updated my flickr with some rad pictures of caves and people around the caves. Also, I edited 7 pages of unprofessional english and made that business ACADEMIC. The weirdest part of all this is having a "rate". this is the first time i've ever been anything resembling a craftsman of any sort. having people ask me how much I charge is odd enough. being able to respond, and being confident in this response, is just plain bizzaro dan.

"eight dollars a page" i tell them. And wham, it is so.

Thus far i've done 12 pages (or 16 depending on who you ask but it was really 12 in ms word) for Galt and Taggart and 7 for this one other person. that's like 19. I hadn't done the math previous to this. that's like almost 160 dollars. good job phipps.

The scary bit about all this is that i'm kind of in limbo with the G&T folks. If they like my stuff I can expect a good deal more work coming my way. If they do not, that's a lot of money i can expect to never get. Off it will go, to some other chump. I shall return to writing for Georgia Today for a pittance. Half that, even. Hell, so far i have been paid 0% of a pittance. I look forward to a pittance. Longingly. A pittance promised come april. Remains to be seen if that will actually occur.

In any case, things are going all right, but they're on the slippery presipice of going just about great. I just worry that i'll be able to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory at that last precious second.

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