
Why did I write a whole bunch about governments a few days ago?

Because my work has gotten boring, and I need something to engage myself. Which is why I am finally going to do something. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday i'm going to update moonfiction.blogspot.com with about 500 words of story. This is more for me than it is anything else, but I need a schedule or else i'll stop entirely. That's been the theme so far anyways. The story takes place kind of randomly over the course of about 200 years, from 1901 to 2101. Given time enough, it will describe a timeline from the decision to terraform the moon, the launch itself, the colonization, the massive industrialization of earth and the fight for independance. I've got a pretty big buffer worked up already, so that's good. Anyways, the first bit is up there, which I think sets the tone pretty well. Hopefully I can keep this up for a while!


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