
Things. They go OK.

For the first time in a long time i am working full time. This work is divided into two camps.

24 hours a week, I am at the CAC. The only problem with this is that there's this huuuuge 2.5 hour section twice a week where i've got nothing to do and there's not really enough time to go home so i just end up on the dang internet. But that's neither here nor there. I get 1,000 dollars a month plus my share of the utilities paid off and I teach English.

20 hours a week (approx) I am at the Georgian Department of Tourism and Resorts trying to get their webpage to rise, phoenix-like, through the page ranks of google by asking friendly people to link me. Then I link them back. It's terrific. The work isn't particularly hard, its kind of interesting now that I know how to moderate my "work" and "waste" times and have a general feel for the thing which is odd because i've only worked there twice. But i've worked two full 8 hour days there and it's been pretty okay.

So, dear readers, this is my schedule.

Sunday: lay about, consider getting a suit, count money, scheming

Monday: Sleep in, Scheme, pop in to the dept of tourism for a 4 hour shift.

Tuesday: CAC from 10 to 9 but its not as bad as all that with the massive break. 8 hrs work.

Wednesday: 8 hrs at the Dept.

Thursday: 8 hrs at the CAC.

Friday: 8 hrs at the Dept.

Saturday: 8 hrs at the CAC.

There is one major problem with this scheme and that is that the timing of the whole thing is all cocked up. 8 hours of work on saterday? what the hell? Saterday is for hangover nursing, regret, and further laying about/scheming. I know i'm TECHNICALLY only working 44 hours a week which for 2000 dollars a month in thsi part of the world simply isn't bad. BUT if I wasn't working for CAC i could probably make more money working 40 hours a week and do it M-F like everybody else. Furthermore, I don't get a weekend! I get a day and a half off, but I don't get a full weekend unless i want to work 10 hours a day on wednesday and friday. I recognize a 4 hour shift isn't that much but its the principle of the goddamn thing. The other problem is on the days I work for the CAC i don't get home until late as hell, unless its saterday. Teaching 4 classes in a row is goddamn miserable sure but at least I get to go home and eat dinner at a reasonable hour.

The problem: The CAC.

The compounding problem: My contractual obligation to The CAC

The Solution: Dropping classes.

In a month, 3 of my 4 classes end. I want to get rid of 2 of them, but I don't think I'll be able to swing it. This means that I'll probably have only 3 classes at the CAC. In a perfect world I could spread them out so I have half a day working on the interbutts, pop in to teach a class or two, and go home while the sun is still up. But something's gotta give. On tuesday I have to lean in to Nino, talking about the number of classes I want to do and how I want to switch it up.


Monday: 4 hours teaching, 4 hours blaging
Tuesday: 2 Hrs teaching, 6 hrs blaging
Wednesday: 4/4
Saterday: 2 hours teaching.

its a 42 hour work week, the dept. picks up the slack in hours, and I still make approx. 2,000 bucks a month.

...we'll see how that goes.

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